
URKA ELITE Champion award was revised in 2016 to match the requirements from the ADRK for URKA member dogs to enter the ADRK Klub Sieger.

Two points will be available at each URKA show. To attain the URKA Elite Championship title, a dog must earn 4 points from URKA shows as follows:  >> URKA_Champion Application_fillable Sept 2022

  • A. 1 point Best of Breed, 1 point Best of Opposite Sex
  • B. The 4 points must be earned under 3 different judges.
  • C. The points must be earned during a period greater than 12 months.               
  • D. The dog must be entered into the adult classes
We Congratulate the following: 
1/ Rob Martin and  URKA ELITE CH. VDH CH Ynes vom Kressbach  BH ZTP (ADRK) IPO1
2/ Jaime De Gracia and URKA ELITE CH Morro von der Alten Festung SE
3/ Shawn Chavis and URKA ELITE CH Malu von Wachburg BH ZTP
4/ Jeff Mealey, Erika Lynch and URKA ELITE CH Eskobar Iz Tervskogo Doma SE
5/ Susan Lynch, Kimberly Cardona and URKA ELITE CH Rajamani von der Ava-Frost SE

6/ Dale Gowan Jr. Jeri Jagielo and URKA ELITE CH Eira Imperium Rott SE